Hey Parents! We know you’ve got a lot on our plate right now. Make things a little easier to get prepared for next year. Order your 2024-25 school supplies today online. Just click and order an EPI pack today. Your supplies will be shipped to our school and waiting for your child when school starts. Order now with our School ID of YOU007 at https://www.educationalproducts.com/shoppacks.
24-25 School Supply List
One - 2 inch binder
1 Package of dividers
Loose Leaf Paper
Pens (blue or black; green for ELA)
Highlighters (pink, yellow, blue, green)
Dry Erase Markers
Colored Pencils
One Pencil Sharpener with shavings holder
Safety Scissors
Elmer’s Jumbo Glue Sticks (3 pack)
Pencil Pouch
Wired Earbuds/headphones
English: Two Composition Notebooks
Paper Towels (1st hour teacher)
Kleenex (3rd hour teacher)
Disinfecting Wipes (5th hour teacher)
Hand Sanitizer (7th hour teacher)
*Teachers may request additional supplies to meet the needs of their content area.
*Elective teachers will discuss their supply lists the first week of school.
*Backpacks must be clear or mesh. Rolling backpacks are not allowed